Monday, May 18, 2020

Globalization The Big Friendly Giant Essay - 1458 Words

It does not matter who you are, or what you do for living; it does not matter where you live, or where you come from; either way, you have come into contact with globalization. We are all active members of this web, and we are the fuel it needs to work to perfection. This web needs employers and employees, it needs people in need and people willing to help, and it needs members of different cultures and societies. It needs you. Whether it was by flying on an airplane, traveling to a foreign country, or simply by buying medicine, you are contributing to the unstoppable giant known as globalization. To understand globalization it is necessary to understand its core meaning. Globalization is a process. It is a process of international†¦show more content†¦One of the foundations of their arguments is based on the belief that globalization threatens traditions and cultures worldwide. The opponents of globalization consider that traditions can be lost when they all come together in the melting pot that globalization creates. Some believe that â€Å"globalization is in effect the process by which people give up individualism for homogenization, or belonging† (, meaning that it is impossible to keep the aspects that make each one of us unique when we live in a world consumed by globalization. In addition others think that, â€Å"As popular culture spreads, creativity and individual values disappear†( Although this is a primary concern regarding this topic, they are not an accurate prediction of what globalization really produces. Paradoxically, globalization can help preserve these very traditions and cultures that are claimed to be fading away. This is so because globalization is also a channel through which cultural practices and ideas are transmitted globally. Otherwise, these traditions would not be known outside a local area (Wirkkala). With globalization working both ways for this cause, it is up to its good management to avoid the negative outcomes and still get the positive ones. Good management means, â€Å"using global economic institutions in a way that applies to the social, political and economic realities within a country, rather than imposing policies driven by the Washington consensus†Show MoreRelatedThe Global Automobile Industry1064 Words   |  5 Pagesautomakers are presently creating new and more trade friendly policies and methods through foreign joint-ventures, but China s automotive industry still remains underdeveloped both technically and managerially. India is also an emerging market for worldwide auto-giants. Due to low cost of labor many multinational companies are investing in India. Its automotive industry has grown very rapidly from the middle of 1990’s. 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